I'm using apache + django + mod_wsgi to serve my app.
My apache version is 2.4.7 and my django version is 1.8.4

My django settings are:
 * DEBUG=False*

*  ADMINS = [      ('username','usern...@comp.nus.edu.sg'),  ]  MANAGERS = 
[      ('username','usern...@comp.nus.edu.sg'),  ]  MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = 
(      ...      'django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware',  )  
EMAIL_HOST = 'stmp.comp.nus.edu.sg'  EMAIL_PORT = 25  EMAIL_HOST_USER = 
'username'  EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'password'*

When I ran the server, I got this error on the website(This page uses the 
django 500.html template.):
Server Error *(500)* 

There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via 
email and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience.

But I *didn't receive* any email about the error report.

What's wrong with my configurations?

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