> but:
> --------------------------------------------
> i'm testing 4 macs:  Class A: 1mac ,   Class B: 2mac,   Class C: 1mac
> when i define:
> class MacAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     def get_queryset(self, request):
>         qs = super(MACAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
>         if request.user.is_staff and request.user.is_superuser:
>             return qs
>         return qs.filter(classi_id__mac=request.user)
> for make a test I create an user belogs to Class A and B so would be see 3
> macs on list_display
> but only got 1
> on debug mode, qs variable i can see the 4 macs,   i need to know filter
> it to get only that A and B because is filtered by user wich only belogs to
> A and B class
> thanxs
Not sure if I'm following you 100%, but i think you can filter like this:

return qs.filter(classi__prof=request.user)

This would match the MAC to a class, and the class to a professor, and the
professor to request.user. Should return all of the MAC's that belong to a
class that request.user is a professor for, I believe.


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