Hi Javier,

yeah it seems like angular is gonna take over the whole page (though it 
depends on which dom element you target it).

Right now I am planning to only use it for certain use-cases and stick to 
standard django-templates for the easy stuff.
But I guess you end up having REST-APIs for a lot of models - even if you 
use angular in just one interactive use case.

Anyways: Aren't complex UIs part of frontend applications?

*Example (this list-view / edit-view):*
*List-View: *Let's talk about the example of having a list-view of a 
contacts to display them. We want the user to see all contacts in a list 
and to be able to sort and filter the contacts within the list table (right 
now I am using Django-CBV and django_tables2/django_filters).
*Edit-View: *Plus we want the user to be able to edit a single contact in a 
*modal* edit-window (in standard django we would use a 
*Connecting **List-View&**Edit-View via Javascript: *Now after editing a 
single contact we could automatically update the underlying listview with 
the new contact-data (while keeping it in sync with the django-model via 
the rest framework).

*How do we do that with angular? There must be a tutorial... or not?*

Kind regards

Am Samstag, 12. September 2015 00:15:14 UTC+2 schrieb Javier Guerra:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 5:03 PM, ThomasTheDjangoFan 
> <stefan.eich...@googlemail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I am searching for an angular.js tutorial that shows me how to do some 
> > enhanced ui stuff: 
> i think both angular and react are oriented primarily not to "enhanced 
> ui", but to whole frontend applications.  with that in mind, you'll 
> find that most examples and tutorials treat the server either as an 
> API provider (typically REST), or tightly cohesioned with the frontend 
> (as is with meteor and some other JS frameworks) 
> of course it _is_ possible to use either for enhanced ui, just don't 
> be surprised for the lack of examples, and the feeling that you're 
> killing flies by swinging a big couch. 
> -- 
> Javier 

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