Hi Derek,

right now React.js is seems to be talked about everywhere. I actually 
listend to some podcasts talking about it - like I said the meteor 
community seems to be a big fan and meteor even has core support for it. 
And even LincolnLoop say that they use react.

So when starting this threat I had react and angular and  on my final list 
to try out.

Today I actually had a look at angular and - after my current struggle with 
react.js - angular.js looks really nice.

So this threat right here is meant as a collection for react.js tutorials.

How about you - what framework are you using?

Kind regards

Am Freitag, 11. September 2015 20:03:57 UTC+2 schrieb Derek:
> I am curious - in a previous thread, many respondents pointed out Angular 
> as being a good framework to use, and one poster said "a quick Google 
> search shows that React is barely supported yet (in terms of available 
> Django apps)" - so why are you choosing that route?  Given you already said 
> "I am an Javascript Beginner and I need to start it from scratch"  why not 
> just pick a well-supported framework than struggle from the beginning?
> On Thursday, 10 September 2015 16:00:18 UTC+2, ThomasTheDjangoFan wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm trying to get my head into how to use React.Js with Django.
>> I did the tutorial http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tutorial.html
>> in combination with checking out 
>> https://github.com/HorizonXP/react-tutorial-django,
>> which is an implementation if it with running django 1.6.
>> I'm having problems getting the connection to django-rest-framework 
>> running for CRUD Stuff.
>> Are there any more *tutorials* available on how to implement an 
>> application 
>> *with React.js and Django-Rest-Framework?*
>> Kind regards
>> Thomas

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