On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 11:12 PM, ThomasTheDjangoFan
<stefan.eichholz.ber...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have invested quite a lot of time & energy into learning django and I feel
> comfy using it. (I have studied the 2 Scoops, the Tdd book and got the boook
> "Scaling Django" and "lightweight Django" right here next to me).
> It feels like I finally got the right tool, BUT:
> I am about to implement my first big project - a customer relation
> management system. The userbase will be small - around 1 to 10 users.
> During my planing I came accross javascript-framworks (like angular or
> meteor) and yes: my project definetly needs some javaside-tricks on the
> client-side.
> So I used the last 7 days to stick my head into the javascript stuff and I
> am sooooooo overwhelmed by all the options out there (!!!!!!!). And it seems
> like there really is no good tutorial for the javascript-frontend stuff with
> django.

Django produces web responses, which can contain whatever you want in
it. As such, javascript is orthogonal to django.

Django can easily generate data in JSON format that is easily
consumable by any JS framework. Libraries exist for django to provide
REST-like frameworks for even easier access. This will give you a set
of API urls which you can consume from any JS framework.

> Now I am going crazy and thinking about dropping django completely and
> switching to Meteor. (By the way: The meteor-guys seem to be totally in love
> with react.js.)
> Before making a stupid decision I feel like I need some guidance from the
> real experts.
> Now my question to you is:
> If you were about to implement a quite-complex crm system (starting from the
> ground up): what tool would you use?
> Would you use Django (maybe in combination with React) or would you switch
> to Meteor?

You are asking on the django mailing list whether we would use django
or a server side JS framework.... at best we will be quite biased
(guess what we like to run server side!), at worst we will be unable
to give you a comparison.

You say you want to drop django and go with meteor - why? What problem
does it solve for you that Django does not?

What it really comes down to is if you want to write your server side
code in Python, use django. If you want to write it in Javascript, use
something else!

> If you would stick to Django - which js-framework can you recon? (I really
> need some good and clear tutorials to get me started)

We have (different!) django projects using react, backbone and
angular. Use the frontend framework that allows you to develop your
project most efficiently.

TBH, if you haven't implemented a reasonable sized project in
django/python then it will be hard for you to make a decision between
two unknowns. Reading books is not the same as doing.

I would factor this in to your project - evaluate your two options by
doing things with them. Spend a week putting together it in Django,
spend a week doing the same in Meteor, see which one allows you to
build the most functionality in the shortest amount of time (and don't
disregard the code quality, if it looks like spaghetti after 1 week
working on it, imagine how it will look after a year or two.)



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