I guess 
might help.

On Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 10:02:04 AM UTC-4, b.w...@thelinguist.com 
> I believe the cause of this is line 248 in django/db/migrations/writer.py 
> create_path = os.path.join(upath(sys.path[0]), *package_dirs)
> Which is automatically using the first path location in the system path 
> list. Unfortunately with the way our buildout handles paths this is causing 
> a problem:
> In manage.py:
> import sys
> sys.path[0:0] = [
>   '/vagrant/eggs/ipython-3.0.0-py2.7.egg',  # This is where the 
> MIGRATION_MODULES is creating the app specific migration package.
>   '/vagrant/eggs/httplib2-0.9.1-py2.7.egg',
>   '/vagrant/eggs/oauth2-1.5.211-py2.7.egg',
>   ...
> ]
> This looks to be a bug to me because there is no guarantee the first path 
> location is the one you want this package to be created in.
> --
> Bruce
> On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 1:00:50 PM UTC-7, b.w...@thelinguist.com 
> wrote:
>> Hi we have a farily large Django 1.8 project and there are a few 3rd 
>> party apps we are using that don't have Django migrations so I am trying to 
>> create ones for the apps in question.
>> In my settings file I have:
>>     'oauth_access': 'thirdparty_migrations.oauth_access_migrations',
>> }
>> Some background we are using buildout to handle dependancies. Now what 
>> stumps me is for some reason when running make migrations oath_access the 
>> module is being created under the ipython egg. This happens regardless of 
>> where I put my own module of thirdparty_migrations it just ignores it.
>> Is there some other setting that I am missing to specify the location for 
>> a 3rd party migration?
>> --
>> Bruce

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