Are you adding REST functionality to an existing project? Or will you be
using a separate instance to provide only REST services and maintain two
different code bases?

I believe you can use the django-rest-framework to utilize the same views
(literally) to provide a REST interface, so you may not need to rewrite or
copy anything, just add a few bits of code to make your views aware of
incoming REST requests, some URL additions, and serializers for your

On Aug 16, 2015 3:59 PM, <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I have a question about an architectural issue and I would like to hear
> some suggestions about it.
> I created a project using Django (let's call this Project A) and now I
> decided to start a new one but this time it is an API using Django REST.
> So, for now I have to refactor Project A to consume data from API, but in
> order to do that I need to duplicate all my models files in both projects.
> The question is how can I avoid this? Is there another way to do that?
> I see that *moving models *from Project A to API as something natural but
> to have an empty models file in Project A I need to change some concepts,
> for removing ModelForms and put all validation logic using Form.
> How do you guys see this? Would you recommend something different? Is that
> a good idea?
>    1. Project A (Models) <---> API (same models??? How can I handle that?)
>    2. Project A (No models) <---> API (Models)
> Thanks in advance!
> --
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