no, passwords shouldn't be encrypted, you should store hashes, just use the
django default auth app

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Uri Even-Chen <> wrote:

> Hi Dennis,
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 7:35 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber <>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 12:47:17 +0300, Uri Even-Chen <>
>> declaimed the following:
>> >To Python, Django and Speedy Mail Software developers,
>> >
>> >Is it possible to make Speedy Mail encrypted? I want mail to be encrypted
>> >on the server, and only the user will be able to read his/her mail. The
>> >user's password will be encrypted on the server and nobody will be able
>> to
>>         Most systems I know of don't store the password on the server in
>> the
>> first place. They store a one-way hash generated from the password
>> (possibly using a randomly generated salt that is also saved with the hash
>> -- that is, rather than just hash "password" into "hashstring", they hash
>> "saltpassword" into "otherhash" and prepend the "salt" -> "saltotherhash".
>> When user comes to connect later, they match the user name in the password
>> database, extract the "salt" from "saltotherhash", attach it to the
>> password given by the user, generate the hash, and see if it matches the
>> rest of the saved hash). The hash value is only used for matching
>> purposes,
>> not for any subsequent processing -- it is not a cryptography key, nor is
>> any cryptography key used to produce it.
> Thanks for the feedback. Actually the passwords on my webmail in 2000 to
> 2005 were not encrypted, but I agree with you that passwords should be
> always encrypted.
>> >read the user's mail except the user himself. Is it possible? When  I had
>>         How do you intend to handle new inbound email? After all, the
>> sender of
>> the email sure won't know about any user encryption key -- that means you
>> have to have the encryption key stored on your server associated with the
>> recipient username, so that you can encrypt inbound email before putting
>> it
>> into the user's mailbox... Do you also intend to encrypt the header
>> information or just the body of the message?
>>         A public key system MIGHT support that, in that the public key --
>> used
>> to "send to" the recipient is only used to encrypt the data, and can be
>> stored on your server (in the same username/password account file). The
>> private (decryption) key would have to be stored on the user's computer
>> and
>> never provided to your server machine -- and you'd need some way to send
>> individual encrypted messages to the user where they are decrypted on
>> their
>> computer, NOT ON the server. You'd also need to be able to identify which
>> messages are new, read, deleted -- if the mailbox is encrypted, this
>> likely
>> means each message is a file within the mailbox, since you can't do things
>> like mark and compress an MBOX (all mail is in one file with a special
>> header marking the start of a message) file without corrupting the
>> encryption stream.
>>         If, at anytime, the decryption key is on the server, you have
>> lost the
>> security you claim to be striving for -- as any court ordered system could
>> just patch in a packet sniffer and wait for your user to connect, capture
>> the password, and capture the decryption key if it is sent to the server
>> to
>> retrieve mail (though they don't even need it at that point -- they could
>> just capture the decrypted contents being sent to the user... TLS/SSL
>> sessions may alleviate that problem, but it does mean having certificates
>> to initiate the TLS session keys). If the packets are TLS encrypted, they
>> can require one to patch into the server at the point where the contents
>> are converted back to plain text and capture the traffic.
>>         Of course, this now means the user has to carry around a
>> "keyring" that
>> can be accessed by any computer used to read the email (since the
>> decryption key can not be on the server, if they read email from an
>> android
>> tablet they need to have the key installed on the tablet; they also need
>> it
>> on their desktop if they use it to access the server; on their phone if it
>> has a browser, etc.).
>>         A Javascript client is probably going to be rather slow at
>> decrypting
>> the emails -- but you may not be able to install a compiled Java
>> encryption
>> package on all the clients out there (you'd have to have something for
>> iOS,
>> something for Android, for Linux, Macintosh, and Windows -- though the
>> latter three might be able to use the same core Java code).
>>         We've taken care of inbound email. What were your plans for
>> outgoing
>> email? You can't encrypt that as it is going to other systems and other
>> users who are not part of your server and don't expect to see encrypted
>> stuff. You could perhaps store the already sent messages using the same
>> public key, but you can't do that with in-work drafts stored on the server
>> prior to being sent (at least, not without requiring them to pass from the
>> server to the client for decryption and then back to the server in
>> plain-text for delivery -- deleting the draft copy and saving an encrypted
>> sent copy)
>> I think ProtonMail <> is doing something similar
> to what I want, so maybe I'll check what they are doing. I also want the
> user's mail to be searchable, like Gmail.
>> >I believe a user's mail is something personal, like his thoughts. I don't
>> >want the police to read my mail and it's similar to reading my thoughts.
>> >
>>         And the solution, in my mind, is to not use a central mail
>> repository
>> (no webmail client, nor even an IMAP client) and always do a
>> delete-from-server when the POP3 client fetches the mail (and the server
>> should do some sort of secure scrub of the deleted file area on disk).
>> That
>> way the only mail that will ever be found on the server is the mail the
>> user hasn't logged in to retrieve yet, or outgoing messages that the SMTP
>> daemon hasn't gotten around to forwarding to the destination (and deleting
>> once the receiving server ACKs the message). (This also reduces the
>> storage
>> needed by the server, and likely speeds access to mail if using MBOX
>> format
>> as it doesn't have to scan humongous files).
> Yes, but then the mail is on your computer, and the police can enter your
> house and take it (but you can encrypt it on your computer). There is no
> way to have 100% security against the police.
> Uri.
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