One tool for debugging that I would actually use isn't actually a debugger
although ipdb is great <>.
If you decide to go with python/django, I would strongly consider using the
book Test Driven Web Development with Python
<>. It not
only provides a good django introduction, but the approach it advocates of
writing tests first makes it a lot easier to find bugs quickly and when you
find a bug, to nail down exactly what causes it and when it is fixed.

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 5:34 PM, James Schneider <>

> I came upon similar crossroads several years ago. Granted, I'm not a
> programmer by trade, but I do have several personal projects that I work
> on. I had done some large module development for Drupal in PHP over several
> years, and once I reached the point where I was fighting to override Drupal
> more than I was spending time adding new functionality, I started looking
> at web frameworks rather than modifying CMS platforms. I was also growing
> tired of the PHP inconsistencies and the inability to properly debug.
> After some research, I came down to Perl/Mason, Ruby/Rails and
> Python/Django. I was already familiar with Perl, less so with Python from
> work, and had no experience with Ruby. After reading the flame wars between
> the languages on forums with posters asking the same question, I decided
> the best way was just to dive in and try it myself. I didn't particularly
> want to go down the Perl route, as I had spent countless hours fighting
> with CPAN getting modules installed for work scripts. I decided to start
> with Ruby and Rails. This was around the time that 1.8 was dubbed a
> horrible mess and 1.9 was still fresh and slightly buggy. After fighting
> with that issue, I spent several days trying to figure out what was
> required for RoR, installing gems, and learning Ruby in general. I still to
> this day have no idea what a symbol is, nor the proper time to use it.
> After a few weeks of trying and working around all of the system-specific
> issues I was having, I think I managed to get a working version of a basic
> site up. Having 'conquered' RoR, I moved on to Python/Django. Python and
> Ruby are somewhat similar in terms of layout and even syntax at a very
> basic level, so the transition wasn't difficult. What attracted me to
> Python/Django, though, is the lack of 'magic' behind the scenes. I felt
> like RoR was making decisions for me behind the scenes, and I had little
> control. Not that I necessarily needed control at that point, but given my
> previous experience with Drupal/PHP, it gave me reason for pause.
> Python/Django is clean, without magic, easy to read, and almost forces you
> to be a good programmer with indentations, simple syntax, etc. After
> running through the Django tutorial in a couple of hours (1.3 had just come
> out at the time with CBV's as the prominent new feature), I was extremely
> hooked, considering the same process in RoR was a few days of effort. I
> also felt the philosophy and intent of Python better aligned with my
> personal inclinations. Simple, clean, big focus on backwards compatibility
> both in the language and Django (a large problem that I had with Drupal).
> Ruby felt much more bleeding edge, fast-paced, and 'magical'. Call me a
> control freak, I like to know what my code is actually doing. Makes for
> easier troubleshooting later. Python also had excellent cross-platform
> support, and native support within Ubuntu/Debian/Gentoo linux, since a fair
> portion of their tools are written in Python. Pip makes installing (and
> version control) ridiculously easy, much easier to navigate than gem repos
> or CPAN.
> All that aside, the best advice I can give you is just to try each out and
> figure out which one 'feels right' for you. Both have more than enough
> market share as a viable career path. Given your field of study, Python may
> be a better choice for you considering the immense amount of scientific
> work done with Python. I've never heard of Ruby having such a reputation
> (but that doesn't mean it isn't being done).
> As far as Python debugging tools go, I would definitely look into PyCharm,
> which has a free community edition with a built-in debugger. It handles
> Django with ease, and the licensed version has extra special goodies for
> Django specifically, probably worth the cost if you are serious about
> developing the application you are talking about.
> -James
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:20 PM, Rotimi Ajayi-Dopemu <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am sure this question has been beaten into the ground but hopefully I
>> can get some specific insight so I don't waste time in the future. Thanks
>> in advance.
>> The question:
>> I have a year to learn a new programming language for web application
>> development. I will be learning concurrently with going to school so I have
>> about 10 hrs a week give or take. So the question is this should I learn
>> Ruby on Rails or Python/Django???
>> Background Info about why:
>> I am a student studying Cognitive Science and want to work as either a UX
>> designer or a Full Stack Engineer, I am leaning towards Full Stack
>> Engineering and designing more for the front end in my after hours. I don't
>> have a serious girlfriend (lol) and my life is pretty simple so I know this
>> is what I want to do. I am committed. I know PHP fairly well and can use
>> Wordpress and Joomla for whatever. I am familiar with MVC through use of a
>> popular PHP framework called Codeigniter. Oh yeah, I used C++ pretty
>> heavily about 10 years ago building Windows Applications...and loved it.
>> What I will be using it for:
>> After I graduate in a year and after learning the language I decide on I
>> plan to develop a full blown web application. I don't know if this is too
>> ambitious but all I'm willing to say now is it is like Pintrest but not a
>> clone. I have fully developed the concept for a long time now and will have
>> the features down pat by then. My goal is to invest my time on a prototype
>> and release it, then hopefully get with a team or even investors if it
>> works and develop it more. If it doesn't work out then Plan B is to use my
>> skill-set in a full time position with a company in a tech hub somewhere in
>> the US. Plan B might turn into Plan A in a year depending on my money
>> situation.
>> So there are three aspects to this question: Should I learn Django/Python
>> or Ruby on Rails? is Plan A(the web app) feasible with just me and
>> Django/Python? How does Python fair in the work market?
>> I know all this may seem like a lot to ask but this is really just a test
>> of this forums activity. I have been pretty avid on staying with PHP or
>> maybe going back to C++ because this HTML/CSS situation I usually work with
>> these days tends to get on my nerves.
>> Last thing to add for this thread (I swear) is: one thing that really
>> irks me about web development is the lack of real debugging tools that work
>> flawlessly. Maybe it is just I haven't learned them yet but I know in PHP
>> you are stuck with using Xdebug through your browser (although I just found
>> a new debugger that only works in recent versions of PHP) so if anyone
>> could just give a 1+ to integrated debugging with Python Django that would
>> be great.
>> Thanks again if you read this far.
>> Feel free to contact me if you have a similar web application in the
>> works, I have no doubt there probably is.
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