exist some settings to only insert X number of rows in a model?

django.db. (i guess, restrict 5 rows)   as simple way ?


setting directly into MySQL  ?

because, i override the save method to check if:

# models.py
class domain(model.Model):
    max_accounts = models.IntegerField(default=2)

# admin.py

class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('user', 'domain',  'max_account')
    ordering = ('user',)

    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        max_accounts = domains.objects.all()
        accounts = users.objects.all()
        if  int(max_accounts.values()[0]['max_accounts']) >
            super(UserAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
            messages.error(request, "Impossible create more accounts.")

In this code .. the check works... but my problem is:

when account 1 and total is 2 is fine.. save in mysql
when account 2 and total is 2 is fine and save in mysq again
when account is 3 and total is 2 i got the error... not save (because the
logic is fine)

django admin output the error message BUT show the OK was successfull
inserted too
(as a fake insert) ...how can I omit the OK message.?

thanxs in advance

Antonio Peña
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