Дана Thu, 06 Aug 2015 16:39:41 -0300
"'Hugo Osvaldo Barrera' via Django users"
<django-users@googlegroups.com> написа:

> I'd like to add a sidebar on the left side of all admin pages
> (including change_list, change_details, etc), with a list of all my
> models. In other words, I'd like to move the index with a list of
> models into a sidebar on the left.
> After poking around the docs and templates a bit, it seems that I'd
> need to override templates/admin/base.html entirely (which I'd rather
> avoid for easier maintenence), or work with some CSS hacks (to make
> content narrower, and move sidebar up and on the left.
> Have I missed something? What would the recomended approach be? Has
> anybody done something alike?
> Cheers!

This may not help you completely (and I have not had a look at admin's
base.html, truth be told), but there is small convenient Django
application called django-apptemplates

The application adds a template tag that allows you to both override
and extend one of the existing templates. So perhaps you would still
need to duplicate _some_ part of base.html, but with perhaps you would
bring it to a minimum.

Best regards

Branko Majic
Jabber: bra...@majic.rs
Please use only Free formats when sending attachments to me.

Бранко Мајић
Џабер: bra...@majic.rs
Молим вас да додатке шаљете искључиво у слободним форматима.

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