@Jordi,  Thanks for tip on self.kwargs in View.  That should work.  I'll 
rewrite my get().

@James - No, no reason in particular.  Wasnt paying attention, I guess.  I 
was just staring at the get() method in BaseListView and thinking, ah, this 
is the place I want to inject my filter form into the context.  Thanks for 
the heads up on the docs.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 5:41:29 PM UTC-5, James Schneider wrote:
> Is there a reason you are using BaseListView rather than ListView? The 
> docs mention that BaseListView is not really meant to be used directly. 
> ListView also includes some extra context processing beyond the base class 
> that may be of use.
> -James
> On Aug 2, 2015 3:21 PM, "jordi collell" <jor...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Not sure if i'm understanding what are you saying. But kwargs on get.. 
>> Are stored on a object property. Self.kwargs (prior the dispatch) method.
>> --
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