I am developing a django application that primarily uses web browsers to 
upload scientific data that includes some image files.  Currently, the 
application works fine when Firefox or Chrome are used.  Both images and 
other data are correctly uploaded.

Occasionally users need to upload larger amounts of data, so I want to 
automate this using Python's Requests module.  My python program currently 
uploads non-image data, but Django is not receiving the image files.   This 
may be because I am not setting HTTP-headers correctly.

When the user agent is Firefox, requests received by Django include headers 

  HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING   gzip, deflate

When the user agent is my standalone program, only:


My questions are:

  1) What HTTP-headers is Django expecting?

  2) Should I be gzipping the image files?

  3) What is the correct way to do this?

A code snippet from my standalone program follows.

# loop to get messages from console
while True:
   message = input("Enter msg string: ")
   filename= input("Enter filename (or blank): ")

   # GET
   print("--- GET upload_msg")
   # Create a GET request (but do don't sent it)
   req   = Request('GET', upload_msg_url, data= {})
   # Send request
   forms_dct    = get_response(req)

   # modify forms_dct from GET, and use in next get_response()
   forms_dct['message_str'] = message

   # open file for upload
   fobj = open(filename,'rb')
   # modify forms_dct from GET, and use in next get_response()
   forms_dct['photo'] = filename

   # Create files dictionary
   files_dct = {filename:fobj}

   # POST
   print("--- POST upload_msg")
   # Create a POST request (but do don't sent it)
   req   = Request('POST', upload_msg_url, data= forms_dct, files= 
   # Send request
   forms_dct   = get_response(req) 

   # close file


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