It looks like you may be using in-memory models instead of saving them to 
the database? In case your go_available() method does save the OrderFactory 
instance, you'll still need to refresh the object from the database using 
Model.refresh_from_db() in test_2().

On Monday, June 1, 2015 at 5:20:03 AM UTC-4, Gagaro wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an hard time understanding how I am supposed to use setUpTestData. 
> The documentation isn't very clear about it (
> ).
> "The class-level atomic block described above allows the creation of 
> initial data at the class level, once for the whole TestCase.". and "Note 
> that if the tests are run on a database with no transaction support (for 
> instance, MySQL with the MyISAM engine), setUpTestData() will be called 
> before each test, negating the speed benefits." let me think that the 
> changes made by the test should be rollbacked after each test.
> So I would expect the following to works:
> class OrderBugTest(TestCase):
>     @classmethod
>     def setUpTestData(cls):
>         cls.order = OrderFactory()
>         cls.order.go_available()
>         cls.order.go_suspended()
>     def test_1(self):
>         """ Ok. """
>         self.order.go_completed()
>         self.assertEqual(self.order.state, 'completed')
>     def test_2(self):
>         """ Fails, order is modified from test_1. """
>         self.assertEqual(self.order.state, 'suspended')
> Does this means only static data should be created this way ? Can't I 
> modify data created this way in the test ? Am I doing something wrong ?
> Thanks.

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