On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Simran Singh
<er.simransing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am really new to Django and I am using Django 1.8. Many of the
> manual_transaction features have been depreciated in this. I have used
> @transaction.atomic(None, True)

nit; these are the defaults. You might as well just say:


> to pack the transaction and rollback the
> updates if at any point the condition is not met.
> I tried to store the transaction in savepoint and used  savepoint_rollback
> or savepoint_commit as per the condition. But I am having no luck here. No
> matter where the control goes but as soon as atomic block ends, it is
> committing the changes

Show the code. All you have shared so far is that you are using the
API; how you use it matters!

> in mysql db.

What storage engine are you using with mysql? MyISAM is
non-transactional; it accepts the SQL statements for transactions, but
always operates in autocommit mode.



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