Just to clarify, in your browser, if you simply "navigate" to the url of
your view, the browser will issue a GET to the server.

If you write the JavaScript function, you can specify the method of your
request... preaty much the same thing as you did in the exemple that you

Its fairly trivial, and JQuery makes it even simpler

2015-05-11 10:18 GMT-03:00 steve malise <stviasw...@gmail.com>:

> Meaning write JavaScript code to make a request?
> how can achieve it other than writing JavaScript code?
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Guilherme Leal <lealhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The "navigation" of your browser always performs a GET method. If you're
>> trying to test that kind of request in the browser, the best aproach would
>> be open the JavaScript and make the request there.
>> 2015-05-11 10:09 GMT-03:00 steve malise <stviasw...@gmail.com>:
>>> client code:
>>> import httplib
>>> import urllib
>>> data = urllib.urlencode({'data':'data1'})
>>> conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(myipaddr)
>>> headers = {"Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
>>>                 "Accept":"text/plain",
>>>                  "Content-Length:":len(data)}
>>> h.request('POST','/',data,headers)
>>> res = h.getresponse()
>>> print r.status,r.reason
>>> server side code(view.py):
>>> from django.shortcuts import render
>>> from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
>>> from django.http import HttpResponse
>>> from django.conf.urls import url
>>> from django.template import loader
>>> from django.utils.timezone import utc
>>> from django.template import Context, Template
>>> from django.template.loader import get_template
>>> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
>>> from django.template import RequestContext
>>> from myapp.models import Temperature
>>> from myapp import models
>>> import socket , select
>>> import os
>>> import datetime
>>> socktetList=[]
>>> @csrf_exempt
>>> def myview(request):
>>>     if request.method == 'POST':
>>>         return HttpResponse("%s %s" % (request.method, request.body))
>>> #print POST body
>>>     else:
>>>         return HttpResponse("%s %s" % (request.method, request.body))
>>> on the client side i get "200 OK"(everything is ok)
>>> but when i open my browser it return "GET",
>>> i want it to return or display POST DATA.
>>> how can i do that??
>>> please help
>>> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Thomas Levine <_...@thomaslevine.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 07 May 16:00, steve malise wrote:
>>>> > The error comes when i runserver and send data from another computer
>>>> to
>>>> > django,then i get this "code 400, message Bad request syntax ( data
>>>> from
>>>> > another computer)"
>>>> This is because
>>>> On 07 May 11:42, Tom Evans wrote:
>>>> > Eurgh. Your hand-crafted HTTP request is not a valid request. Use one
>>>> > of the http libraries built in to python:
>>>> You can find here some directions on forming the request validly,
>>>> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/Specs.html
>>>> as you apparently don't want to use any of the libraries below.
>>>> On 07 May 16:00, steve malise wrote:
>>>> > urllib2:
>>>> > https://docs.python.org/2/howto/urllib2.html#data
>>>> >
>>>> > httplib:
>>>> > https://docs.python.org/2/library/httplib.html#examples
>>>> >
>>>> > or use a 3rd party library that wraps those in a more pleasing
>>>> interface:
>>>> >
>>>> > requests:
>>>> > http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
>>>> Using one of the above-listed libraries would still accomplish what you
>>>> are trying to do, as you described here,
>>>> On 07 May 16:00, steve malise wrote:
>>>> > What i am trying to do is run python script(client side) on another
>>>> > computer which is on same network with my computer,then receive data
>>>> from
>>>> > another computer with the django(which is running on my
>>>> computer(server
>>>> > side)).i am using built-in "runserver".
>>>> so I suspect that you are doing something more that we missed. Perhaps
>>>> you could tell us why you want to do this?
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