On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 6:43 PM, Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> On 05/08/2015 07:15 AM, Marc Aymerich wrote:
>> > I'm using atomic requests, but one of my views needs to save a model
>> > regardless of wheter the current transaction rolls back or not.
>> >
>> > I'm confused about how to proceed with the current autocommit behaviour.
>> > Do I need to use a different db connection? or perhaps there is some way
>> > of telling django to ignore autocommit for some particular block ?
>> You'd need to use a different db connection, since what you're trying to
>> do violates the very nature of a database transaction. If you were just
>> trying to run some raw SQL, you could establish the separate connection
>> yourself manually, but if you're trying to save a Django model, you'll
>> probably need a second connection defined in your DATABASES setting.
>> Possible alternatives:
>> - If you're using a task queuing system (like Celery or rq), queue a
>> task to perform the save; you can do this without making it conditional
>> on the transaction committing, as long as your task queue is using a
>> store other than your primary database (e.g. Redis or RabbitMQ). Usually
>> when people do this it's unintentional and a bug (they really wanted the
>> task to execute only if the current transaction committed), but in your
>> case it could be a feature.
> Yep, the thing is that I need to have this instance saved before handling
> it to a worker process, the worker process uses it and if something goes
> wrong on the main thread then the worker has an object that does not exists
> on the database. Now I realize that I can just catch the IntegrityError and
> re-save the object on the worker thread ;)
> obj.pk = None
> obj.save()

unfortunately this will not work in my case, because I need the object.id
to not change :(

> - Switch from ATOMIC_REQUESTS to explicit use of transaction.atomic() in
>> your views, so that you can place this "no matter what" save in its own
>> transaction.
> I've been doing something on those lines, but now I have this corner case
> which I have surouding code that needs to be wrapped up in a transaction :(
> For the record, after exploring django.db I realize of 2 more alternative
> ways of dealing with this situation:
> 1) because the connection pool is a local thread object, you can just
> fireup a separate thread, so it will have fresh connections :)
> t = threading.Thread(target=backend.create_log, args=args)
> t.start()
> log = t.join()
> 2) because a new connection is created for each settings.DATABASES, it is
> easy to have new connections with a fake database. I've also created a
> context manager for that

So my best option so far is to make that query on a separate connection,
and between worker threads (preferable than celery in this case) and moking
the database settings... the later is hacky but much faster :)

>>> from threading import Thread
>>> from django import db
>>> from django.conf import settings as djsettings
>>> class fresh_connection(object):
...     def __init__(self, origin, target):
...         self.origin = origin
...         self.target = target
...     def __enter__(self):
...         djsettings.DATABASES[self.target] =
...         # Because db.connections.datases is a cached property
...         self.old_connections = db.connections
...         db.connections = db.utils.ConnectionHandler()
...     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
...         db.connections[self.target].close()
...         djsettings.DATABASES.pop(self.target)
...         db.connections = self.old_connections
>>> def do_query(using='default'):
...     Account.objects.using(using).get(pk=1)
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> now = datetime.now()
>>> for i in range(1, 100):
...     t = Thread(target=do_query)
...     t.start()
...     t.join()
>>> print((datetime.now()-now).total_seconds())
>>> now = datetime.now()
>>> for i in range(1, 100):
...     with fresh_connection('default', 'other_default'):
...         do_query(using='other_default')
>>> print((datetime.now()-now).total_seconds())


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