On 10/25/06, sansmojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know that asking when 1.0 is going to be released is not going to get
> an answer, but can anyone at least narrow it down for me?

As soon as possible, but no sooner :-)

> Will it be
> this year?  Several months?  A year?  Will there be intermediate
> releases all the way up to 1.0 (say .97, .98)?

Seriously, though - this is an open source project, and nobody (to my
knowledge) is paid to work on Django full time. As such, accurate
scheduling is a real problem. We aren't going to put v1.0 out until we
are happy that we have the API's right, because once 1.0 is in the
field, we will guarantee support for that API into the future.

There are a couple of areas that still require major changes - most
notably inheritance and manipulators. Work on both of these has
started, but it is difficult to judge when they will be complete,
because their completion depends on the available time of those
working on the changes (and the core developers have all been fairly
busy of late).

As for time frame - I wouldn't even want to hazard a guess. Once upon
a time, we said (northern) Summer 2006 for v1.0. We would probably be
well served to look at the development roadmap again.

As for convincing your IT manager - Django 0.95 is stable (performance
stable, not API stable) - and I haven't had any problems using SVN
trunk on production sites. Both versions are being used successfully
on large scale projects. The last big API change - the magic-removal
branch - was pretty big, but the migration (in my experience) was well
described and relatively low effort and painless. Don't let the "its
not v1.0" factor scare you off.

Russ Magee %-)

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