
I have several models with one-to-one relation. For example

class Task(models.Model):
    initial_comment = models.OneToOneField('Comment')
   # A pack of other fields

class Comment(models.Model)
    body = RichTextField()
   # A pack of other fields

I want to create "create view" based on form, that gives user ability to 
create task and initial comment there.

1) I can't use CreateView because it is based on only one model
2) I can't use ModelForm because it is based on only one model
3) I can create several forms, but I can't join them into one formset 
(forms are different)
4) I feel "inlineformset_factory" (InlineFormSet) should be used here, but 
I am not sure it suits best. Is there any 3rd party Django app to do that?

Sure I can create form myself, but I do not want to copy/paste all fields, 
their types, localized labels, validations and so on. I just want to list 
their names (like "fields" attibute).
If you wonder why do I need one-to-one: Comments are used heavily in other 
places and have different relations with different models.

Thank you.


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