tblEntryObj seems to be an instance of your model, it is not a dictionary,
so normally it wouldn't have a "keys" method.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 5:32 PM, Henry Versemann <fencer1...@gmail.com>

> Vijay,
> I tried your method, and while it got me the table class that I wanted,
> for some reason when I try to get into the actual list of entries in the
> desired table, I can't seem to get to either the keys or values of any of
> the list objects.
> So I'm not sure what's going on.
> Here's some condensed code of what I've done so far:
>             for entry in tblsLst:
>                 entryKeys = entry.keys()
>                 table_name = str(entryKeys[0])
>                 table_class = get_model('canvas_app',table_name)
>                 tblEntryLst = table_class.objects.all()
>                 lstLgth = len(tblEntryLst)
>                 for loopindx in range(lstLgth):
>                     tblEntryObj = tblEntryLst[loopindx]
>                     tblEntryObjKeys = tblEntryObj.keys()
> And I seem to be getting an AttributeError exception on the last line
> above.
> When I print the size or contents (table objects format (the objects are
> listed like this:
>     <CanvasRequests: CanvasRequests object>
> ) no internal value to see) of the tblEntryLst everything looks right.
> Is there anything you can suggest for determining where the problem might
> be?
> Thanks for the help.
> Henry
> On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 12:43:28 PM UTC-5, Vijay Khemlani wrote:
>> You can use get_model
>> from django.db.models.loading import get_model
>> YourModel = get_model('your_app', tableName)
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Tim Chase <django...@tim.thechases.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2015-04-15 09:45, Henry Versemann wrote:
>>> > My problem is since the logic won't know which tables will be in
>>> > the incoming list I need to try to reference the entries in each
>>> > table using some kind of evaluated version of a variable containing
>>> > the name of each table, as I iterate through the list.
>>> >
>>> > I'm sure I could do this using an "eval" statement like this
>>> >
>>> > tblComannd = "tblEntryLst = " + str(tableName) + ".objects.all()"
>>> >
>>> > eval(tblComannd)
>>> Since it's just Python, you can create mappings of the table-objects,
>>> and then get attributes on them.
>>>   table_names = {
>>>     "tblA": tblA,
>>>     "tblB": tblB,
>>>     "tblRenamed": tblXYZ,
>>>     }
>>>   for name, cls in table_names.items():
>>>     log.info("Dumping %s", name)
>>>     for item in cls.objects.all():
>>>       write_to_file(item)
>>> Presumably, these classes come from some namespace like a module, so
>>> you can even do something like
>>>   import models
>>>   table_names = ["tblA", "tblB"]
>>>   for name in table_names:
>>>     log.info("Dumping %s", name)
>>>     cls = getattr(models, name)
>>>     for item in cls.objects.all():
>>>       write_to_file(item)
>>> -tim
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