
Django provide for development MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT for uploaded file,
for production used static deploy strategy, see the documentation about
static files.

Model file field has an url attribute that return a media url, you use in
template like {{obj.file.url}}

El martes, 7 de abril de 2015, Stephanie Socias <stephsoc...@gmail.com>
> Do I need to update/add something to my urls.py?
> On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 9:51:56 AM UTC-4, Stephanie Socias wrote:
>> Thank you very much for responding, Daniel.
>> I'm sorry I don't quite follow- I've never done this before. I should
use the URL {{ datamine.image.url }} in the template?
>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 5:36 AM, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk>
>>> On Monday, 6 April 2015 22:38:36 UTC+1, Stephanie Socias wrote:
>>>> I've implemented this same solution (using custom file storage and the
"upload_to" parameter) but now cannot get the uploaded files to display
from my template. I would normally use {{ STATIC_URL }} but, since I've now
specified a custom location, I'm not sure why my path, which I've
hard-coded in the template, isn't working...any ideas?
>>>> fs = FileSystemStorage(location='/data/www/upload')
>>>> def image_location(instance, filename):
>>>> return '/'.join(['thumbnails', str(instance.dataset_id), filename])
>>>> class DataModel(models.Model):
>>>> name = models.CharField()
>>>> date = models.DateField(blank=True)
>>>> image = models.ImageField(storage=fs, upload_to=image_location,
>>>> template.html
>>>> <a href="{% url 'myproj:items' %}">
>>>> <img class="media-object img-thumbnail" src="/data/www/upload/{{
datamine.image }}" alt="Data Image Here" height="130" width="130">
>>>> </a>
>>> But /data/www/upload/... is the file path of your upload, not the URL.
You still need an actual URL that is served by your webserver. Obviously, a
browser can't access arbitrary file paths on your server.
>>> --
>>> DR.
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