
What exactly are you trying to achieve?

If you have some part of functionality that is interesting for other 
people/projects and hence should be shared via pypi, you should extract it 
as reusable app. Projects, how ever, are not reusable. If you need a fast 
way to install al project requirements on your new server, you need to use 
requirements.txt (and pep freeze).

Some people use virtualization (vm images, vagrant, or even docker) to 
deploy "project" (with all environment including databases, daemons etc) on 
staing or production machines. 
Environment configuration engines like saltstack/chef/cfengine/puppet are 
also used.

An excelent book "Continuous delivery" is all about "how do you deploy your 
code on production with one click". It may be interesting for you.

On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 11:48:26 AM UTC+3, guettli wrote:
> Using a setup.py for reusable apps makes sense. This way you can 
> share the code via a pypiserver. 
> Our projects are very small. They don't have models, only config. With 
> "project" I mean 
> the small (in our case) git repo which holds settings.py urls.py. 
> But does a setup.py make sense for the project? 
> How do you manage your projects (not apps)? 
> Regards, 
>    Thomas Güttler 
> -- 
> Thomas Güttler 
> http://thomas-guettler.de/ 

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