Hi Markus,

thanks for your answer and explanations!

I am now using a management hook to call the `loaddata` command manually
via the post_migrate signal:

    % cat project/appname/management/__init__.py
    # Handle initial data in Django 1.7+.

    from django.db.models import signals
    from django.core.management import call_command

    def load_initial_data(app_config, sender, **kwargs):
        if sender.label == __package__.split(".")[0]:
            call_command('loaddata', 'initial_data.yaml', app_label='appname')

    signals.post_migrate.connect(load_initial_data, weak=False)

Using a normal migration for this does not work when `flushdb` is called
during tests, and using pytest/pytest-django with the `--reuse-db` option.

Is there another option to fix this in Django 1.7+?

The TransactionTestCase is often only required because of the 

Using serialized_rollback might be an option 
but then it tends to be slower than not using "--reuse-db".

(With pytest-django the tests are not being ordered like with Django
currently, but that could be done - although I don't think it would help
much by itself.)


On 22.01.2015 14:23, Markus Holtermann wrote:

> The sanest way to generate all ContentTypes and Permissions is to
> migrate those two apps explicitly before migrating the remaining apps:
>     $ python manage.py migrate contenttypes
>     $ python manage.py migrate auth
>     $ python manage.py migrate

That's not really an option for tests, is it?

> initial ideas emitting a signal after each migration (no ticket yet
> afaik). The latter could be used to tackle the above problem.

Yes, that seems sensible.

> If you want to create a specific permission during a migration, do the 
> following in `RunPython`:
>     def forwards(apps, schema_editor): 
>         Permission = apps.get_model('auth', 'Permission')
>         Permission.objects.create(...)

If I understand it correctly this would cause the same problem, wouldn't
it - if you run all migrations in a single step (during tests)?

It would also not be there after `flushdb`.

> The django-migration-fixture app seems to do some crazy stuff in the
> management command that I'm not going to speculate about how long it's
> going to work. That is completely undocumented and internal API.

Yes, but that part is only used to auto-generate the migration file for
you. In the end is generated a file with a `RunPython` operation.

> Apart from that, the (de)serializers in django.core.serializers
> (specifically .python.Deserializer) use the global apps for
> deserialization. Thus, a fixture referring to a model that is later
> removed/renamed, or refers to a field that doesn't exist later or must
> not be null, cannot be applied when you run the migrations on an empty
> database.

Good to know. It

> /Markus
> On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:43:33 PM UTC+1, Daniel Hahler wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I was having the same issue as Torsten: it does not appear to be possible 
> to load initial data related to contenttypes or auth during migrations.
>     As for the problem with contenttypes reported by Torsten, a workaround 
> appears to be calling `update_all_contenttypes` manually from your migration 
> (from django.contrib.contenttypes.management).
>     But then there's the problem with creating auth.groups.
>     I've tried the following via `RunPython`:
>         from django.contrib.auth.management import create_permissions
>         create_permissions(apps.get_app_config('auth'), verbosity=0)
>     This aborts because `app_config.models_module` is None:
>         app_config.__dict__
>         {'models_module': None, 'name': 'auth', 'models': 
> OrderedDict([('group_permissions', <class 'Group_permissions'>), ...]), 
> 'module': None, 'label': 'auth', 'verbose_name': 'Auth'}
>     Is this related to https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23822 
> <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23822> ("Serialize model managers in 
> migrations"), and would be possible in Django 1.8?
>     I am trying to use https://github.com/alexhayes/django-migration-fixture 
> <https://github.com/alexhayes/django-migration-fixture>, which is meant to 
> provide a convenient wrapper around the initial_data fixtures (files). My PR 
> with the changes mentioned above is viewable at: 
> https://github.com/alexhayes/django-migration-fixture/pull/2/files 
> <https://github.com/alexhayes/django-migration-fixture/pull/2/files>.
>     What is the suggested way to have initial data with Django 1.7, given 
> that initial_data is not used for apps with migrations, and RunPython has the 
> above shortcomings?
>     Thanks,
>     Daniel.
>     Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014 19:42:34 UTC+2 schrieb Torsten Bronger:
>         Hallöchen!
>         Markus Holtermann writes:
>         > Are you talking about Django 1.7 migrations or South? In the
>         > former case you need to make sure that your datamigration depends
>         > on the contenttypes application.
>         I'm talking about Django 1.7 migrations.  Unfortunately,
>         contenttypes is already migrated before my app.  But this doesn't
>         help because update_all_contenttypes is a post_migrate signal.
>         Tschö,
>         Torsten.

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