Hi Vijay,
The search text is okay.. I think when  using the state__state_name and 
city__city_name relations Django INNER JOIN removes the shop without 
existing relation from the result.
   On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 8:22:55 PM UTC+5:30, Vijay Khemlani 
> At least when using Postgres that query makes a LEFT OUTER JOIN so it 
> shouldn't discard Shops just because they don't have a state or city.
> So your query seems to be OK
> are you sure your search text is fine? the orm will not automatically 
> strip the search_text into a list of keywords or things like that. For 
> example, searching for "ski shop" will not match a Shop with name "ski 
> super shop".
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Ajay M <aja...@triassicsolutions.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi I'm a newbie to Django. I'm trying to implement a search feature like 
>> this.
>> query_results = Shops.objects.filter\
>>                             (Q(shop_name__icontains=search_text)\
>>                             |Q(state__state_name__icontains=search_text)\
>> |Q(city__city_name__icontains=search_text)).distinct()
>> I would like to search Shops based on the shop_name, state_name and 
>> city_name. State and city fields are foreign keys. For some 'Shops' state
>> andcity are null. However, shop_name contains the search_text. So I'm 
>> not getting those 'Shops' by running this query. Any help on this is 
>> appreciated.
>> -- 
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