Finally, I've changed my way to send parameters, it's much better send them 
by url.

El miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015, 11:21:34 (UTC+1), elcaiaimar escribió:
> Hello!
> I'm having problems in a form. I want to send some values with it to 
> 'obras/edicionobra.html' but I also want to redirect to the page 
> "/edicionobra/". In the code below I send the values and I go to 
> edicionobra.html, however, the URL is /nuevacuenca/ and that's wrong.
> I've tried to put HttpResponseRedirect("/edicionobra/") at the end of the 
> form, but then I don't send the values
> How can I solve my problem?
> def NuevaCuenca(request):
>     if not request.user.is_authenticated():
>         return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
>     idobra=request.POST['obra']
>     lobras = Obra.objects.filter(id=idobra)
>     obra=lobras[0]
>     cuencas = CuencasObra(request)
>     if "nuevacuenca" in request.POST:
>         formulario = CuencasForm(request.POST)
>         if formulario.is_valid():
>             titulo = 'Formulario de cuenca'
>             dc=request.POST['descripcion_cuenca']
>             idobra=request.POST['obra']
>             cuenca=Cuenca(gid_obra_id=idobra, descripcion_cuenca=dc)     
>             return render_to_response('obras/edicionobra.html', {'idobra':
> idobra, 'obra':obra, 'cuencas':cuencas}, context_instance=RequestContext(
> request))
>     else:
>         formulario = CuencasForm()
>     return render_to_response('cuencas/nuevacuenca.html',{'formulario':
> formulario, 'idobra':idobra, 'obra':obra}, context_instance=RequestContext
> (request))

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