So you're problem is not about forms but widgets.

The widget are the object that render a field form. You can subclass
it to render it in anyway you want.

What do you don't like in subclassing a widget/model ?

On 03/06/2015 03:38 PM, john wrote:
I can tell you what I found to be hard to understand (and I don't think I do understand at the moment) that is how to set the HTML, the types, ID, and any of the special attributes of the object. I understand that I can sub-class but it's also my understanding that I shouldn't have too. For example I want to use the new HTML 5 type=month. I'd also like to use size but so far I haven't determined how. I did get the validation working.


On 03/06/2015 02:43 AM, aRkadeFR wrote:

It's pretty easy to use django forms after reading the docs.
And django form are well integrated with the whole django framework.
You have multiple layers of cleaning the form, from the widget to the model, and
I love that.

Could you provide us more in-deapth of your feeling using the django form?
What are the problem? Or what do you expect from it?


On 03/06/2015 11:37 AM, younger.shen wrote:
Hello everyone:

i use django since last year, and now i can not stand the django form any more, hard to use , especially custom error message , i use laravel for php development , and validator of laravel is very easy to use and very clean code , so i hack a small plugin .

i want your opinion my friends. talk to me please , what is your opinion about django form.

every key to every locked *DREAM* ....................
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