I agree it's a bit devious, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out it 
would work for this particular use case.

Ideally there would a kwarg to Prefect that does the limiting 
automatically, something like:

SELECT train.id, s.* FROM train LATERAL JOIN (
    SELECT * FROM seat WHERE seat.train_id = train.id LIMIT 5
WHERE train.id IN (1,2,3)

Le mercredi 4 mars 2015 16:27:16 UTC-5, cool-RR a écrit :
> Thanks Simon! That worked.
> I would say it's a bit devious though, and it was nice if there was a 
> method that didn't use `distinct`, which has its own issues. (And can't be 
> used for any number of items other than 1 in this case.) 
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Simon Charette <chare...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Can your seats be part of multiple trains?
>> Is there a reason you defined a ManyToMany from Train to Seat instead of 
>> a ForeignKey from Seat to Train?
>> If your schema was defined as the latter the following could probably 
>> work (given you only want the first Seat of each Train object):
>> trains = 
>> Train.objects.prefetch_related(first_seats=Seat.objects.order_by('train', 
>> 'order').distinct('train'))
>> for train in trains:
>>     first_seat = train.first_seats[0]
>> Else given you've explicitly defined a TrainSeat model to handle the 
>> through relationship to store the order:
>> class TrainSeat(models.Model):
>>     train = models.ForeignKey(Train, related_name='train_seats')
>>     seat = models.ForeignKey(Seat)
>>     order = models.PositiveIntegerField()
>> trains = 
>> Train.objects.prefetch_related(first_train_seats=Prefetch('train_seats', 
>> TrainSeat.objects.select_related('seat').order_by('train', 
>> 'order').distinct('train'))
>> for train in trains:
>>     first_seat = train.first_train_seats[0].seat
>> Hope it helps.
>> Simon
>> Le lundi 2 mars 2015 17:23:29 UTC-5, cool-RR a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Say that I have a model Train and it has a ManyToMany to model Seat. I'm 
>>> looking at a queryset of Train and I want to do a prefetch_related on it, 
>>> but I don't want to get all the Seat objects; I want only the first Seat 
>>> object for each Train object.  Is this possible with prefetch_related 
>>> and/or Prefetch? How? 
>>> To clarify: My goal here is to save on querysets while still being able 
>>> to retrieve the first Seat object in each `train.seats`.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ram.
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