Hi Jorgue,

As you already know there's no officially supported API to create custom 
lookups in Django < 1.7

However it's possible to get something working by monkey patching 

Here's an example GIST 
<https://gist.github.com/charettes/2c2db0c0c96afab3297a> that expose a 
decent API to add custom lookups.

>From importing the lookups module you should be able to register your 
custom lookup this way:

def db_prepare_customcomparison(value, connection, prepared):
    return [value.replace(' ', '').lower()]

    'replace(lower(%s), " ", "") = %%s',

Note that you should use this code at your own risk since it's messing with 
Django's internal and I would strongly advise you to move to 1.7 instead 
since 1.6 is approaching end of support.


Le mercredi 4 mars 2015 14:15:32 UTC-5, Jorge Arévalo a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm trying to emulate a non-spaces-all-lower text comparison filter in 
> Django 1.6.x. In other words, I want the equivalent to this query
> select * from myapp_mymodel where replace(lower(str), " ", "") = 
> '<user_entry>'
> Being my model something like this
> from django.db import models
> class MyModel(models.Model):
>     num = models.IntegerField()
>     str = models.CharField(max_length=16)
> In my mind, this can be implemented with a custom lookup like this:
> MyModel.objects.filter(str__customcomparison='spaces and UPPERCASE will 
> not be taken into account')
> I know Django 1.7 allows custom lookups creation, but can't make Django 
> 1.6 work like this. I've tried implementing a custom QuerySet and a custom 
> Manager for MyModel. In the custom QuerySet, I override the method 
> _filter_or_exclude. 
> Am I in the right path? Any suggestion?
> Many thanks in advance

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