Yeah, but from my experience, your example through a new
query. You have to (and please correct me if I'm wrong or
there are other ways) use the self.chair_set.all() in order
to not through a new query when you have prefetched the

To be simple and answer the problem: my only solution I
have in mind is to prefetched all the objects (chairs), and
then filter it in python with properties like I said. But as you
said it will load too much objects...

Still watching the thread cause I have couple of problems
like this one :)


On 02/26/2015 08:27 PM, James Schneider wrote:
Heh, I just realized that aRkadeFR had replied with a similar idea to use a property. At least I know I'm not too far off on my thinking. :-D


On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:02 AM, James Schneider < <>> wrote:

    Whoops, accidentally sent that last one too early, here's the

    However, that probably doesn't buy you much since you are still
    doing an extra query for every Desk you pull from your original query.

    Funny enough, I was googling around for an answer here, and
    stumbled across this:

    which I think is what you were referring to initially in your OP.
    I wasn't even aware of its existence. Prefetch() is a helper class
    for prefetch_related(). Taking a quick glance through the source
    code, I would imagine that it probably won't help you much, since
    the functionality of that class only controls the action of

    Zooming out a bit, the crux of your problem is this: An attribute
    you wish to populate is not an FK or M2M field, it is an entirely
    separate Queryset with some moderately complex filters. The
    built-in ORM functionality for pre-loading via
    prefetch/select_related() is expecting a FK or M2M relationship
    and can't  use another queryset AFAIK. The high-level
    functionality of prefetch_related() is probably close to what you
    want, which is to run a single second query to collect all of
    the favorite_or_nearby_chairs for all of the Desks in your
    original query, and then glue everything together behind the
    scenes in Python to make the desk_obj.favorite_or_nearby_chairs
    available seamlessly.

    I would then wonder if there is another way to organize this data
    to make it easier to work with? How about adding a
    'favorite_chairs' field to the Desk model that has an M2M to
    Chair? I would also update your 'nearby_desks' model field to use
    'nearby_chairs' as the related_field.

    Then you could do something like the following:

    desks = Desk.objects.filter(<filter
    here>).select_related('nearby_chairs', 'favorite_chairs')

    Then, you can modify your model with a property that will return
    the concatenation of nearby_chairs and favorite_chairs:

    class Desk(models.Model):
        def favorite_or_nearby_chairs(self):
            return self.nearby_chairs.all() + self.favorite_chairs

    I don't believe this will spawn another query, since
    select_related() will have already run and have the results
    cached. You may also want to consider moving 'nearby_desks' out of
    Chair and renaming it to 'nearby_chairs' in Desk, and using a
    related_name of 'nearby_desks' instead. Then you can remove the
    .all() from the property definition from above and it definitely
    won't spawn a query. Obviously you'll need to create other
    processes that will populate desk.favorite_chairs, which may or
    may not be feasible.

    TL;DR; I don't believe you can pre-fetch anything because of the
    extra SQL logic needed to calculate the favorite_or_nearby_chairs
    attribute. It might be possible via raw SQL though. Reformatting
    your data models may lead to an easier time since you can then
    take advantage of the some of the optimizations Django offers.

    I'm slightly out in right field on this one, so YMMV, but taking a
    hard look at the current model design would be where I would start
    to try and eliminate the need for that custom queryset.

    Again, the django-debug-toolbar is your friend in these cases, but
    obviously a high number of even relatively fast queries can have a
    detrimental effect on your load times. Also ensure that the fields
    you are using to filter contain indexes, if appropriate/available.


    On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:17 AM, James Schneider
    < <>> wrote:

        Yep, looks like I misunderstood.

        So, you want to have something like this pseudo code:

        desks = Desk.objects.filter(<some filter>)
        for desk in desks:
            print desk.favorite_or_nearby_chairs

        And have favorite_or_nearby_chairs be pre-populated with your
        Chair queryset mentioned earlier?

        Due to the nature of the custom Chair queryset, I doubt you
        can do any sort of pre-fetching that would reduce the number
        of queries. You can probably simulate the effect of
        prefetch_related() though by overriding the __init__() method
        of your Desk model, and having the Desk model
        populate favorite_or_nearby_chairs whenever a Desk object is

        class Desk(models.Model)
            def __init__(self):
                # using list() to force the queryset to be evaluated
                self.favorite_or_nearby_chairs = list(<custom Chair

        However, that probably doesn't buy you much since you are
        still doing an extra query for every Desk you pull from your
        original query.

        Funny enough, I was googling around for an answer here, and
        stumbled across this:

        On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 4:19 AM, aRkadeFR <
        <>> wrote:

            got it, so you want to prefetch but not all chairs.

            I will def follow this thread to see the possibilities of
            Prefetch :)

            On 02/26/2015 12:52 PM, Ram Rachum wrote:
            There may be a big number of chairs, and I don't want all
            the chairs prefetched. I want to have the database filter
            them according to the queryset I specified in a single
            call, I don't want to filter them in Python or make a new
            call to filter them.


            On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 1:48 PM, aRkadeFR
            < <>> wrote:

                I may not have completely understand your problem, but
                why not prefetching all the chairs? and then with the
                attribute favorite_or_nearby_chairs loading only the
                or nearby one?

                def favorite_or_nearby_chairs(self):
                    for chair in self.chair_set.all():
                          ans += ...
                    return ans

                It will only hit the DB once thanks to the first join
                of desk
                <-> chair.

                On 02/26/2015 11:28 AM, cool-RR wrote:
                James, you misunderstood me.

                There isn't supposed to be a
                `favorite_or_nearby_chairs` attribute. That's the
                new attribute I want the prefetching to add to the
                `Desk` queryset that I need. Also, I don't
                understand why you'd tell me to add a
                `.select_related('nearby_desks')` to my query. Are
                you talking about the query that starts with
                `Chair.objects`? I'm not looking to get a `Chair`
                queryset. I'm looking to get a `Desk` queryset,
                which has a prefetched attribute
                `favorite_or_nearby_chairs` which contains the
                `Chair` queryset I wrote down.


                On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 6:02:15 AM UTC+2,
                James Schneider wrote:

                    Well, the Desk model you provided is blank, but
                    I'll believe you that there's a
                    favorite_or_nearby_chairs attribute. ;-)

                    Should be relatively simple. Just add a
                    .select_related('nearby_desks') to your existing
                    query and that should pull in the associated
                    Desk object in a single query. You can also
                    substitute in prefetch_related(), although
                    you'll still have two queries at that point.

                    If you are trying to profile your site, I would
                    recommend the Django-debug-toolbar. That should
                    tell you whether or not that query set is the


                    On Feb 25, 2015 1:28 PM, "Ram Rachum"
                    <> wrote:

                        Hi James,

                        I've read the docs but I still couldn't
                        figure it out. My queryset works great in
                        production, I'm trying to optimize it
                        because our pageloads are too slow. I know
                        how to use querysets in Django pretty well,
                        I just don't know how to use `Prefetch`.

                        Can you give me the solution for the
                        simplified example I gave? This might help
                        me figure out what I'm not understanding.
                        One thing that might be unclear with the
                        example I gave, is that I meant I want to
                        get a queryset for `Desk` where every desk
                        has an attribute names
                        `favorite_or_nearby_chairs` which contains
                        the queryset of chairs that I desrcibed,


                        On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:18 PM, James
                        Schneider <> wrote:

                            I assume that you are talking about the
                            select_related() and prefetch_related()
                            queryset methods?


                            Both of those sections have excellent
                            examples, and detail what the
                            differences are (primarily joins vs.
                            separate queries, respectively).

                            For better help, you'll need to go into
                            more detail about the queries you are
                            trying to make, what you've tried (with
                            code examples if possible), and the
                            results/errors you are seeing.

                            In general, I would try to get an
                            initial queryset working and gathering
                            the correct results first before looking
                            at optimizations such as
                            select_related(). Any sort of
                            pre-fetching will only confuse the
                            situation if the base queryset is incorrect.


                            On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 12:05 PM,
                            cool-RR <> wrote:

                                Hi guys,

                                I'm trying to solve a problem using
                                the new `Prefetch` but I can't
                                figure out how to use it.

                                I have these models:

                                    class Desk(django.db.models.Model):
                                    class Chair(django.db.models.Model):
                                desk =
                                nearby_desks =

                                I want to get a queryset for `Desk`,
                                but it should also include a
                                prefetched attribute
                                `favorite_or_nearby_chairs`, whose
                                value should be equal to:

                                | django.db.models.Q(desk=desk)),

                                Is this possible with `Prefetch`? I
                                couldn't figure out how to use the

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