Maybe you aren't aware of the existing opportunity to translate Django's 

On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 5:11:21 AM UTC-5, Tomáš Ehrlich wrote:
> Hello, 
> tonight is regular python/ruby meetup in Brno (Czech republic) about 
> documentation. Last few months I’ve been working on project concerning 
> localization of documents. I would like to know your opinion about 
> localization of documentation: 
> Do you think it would be useful to translate documentation of: 
> 1) Django 
> 2) Python 
> 3) Any project documented using Sphinx (like numpy, scipy, request, …) 
> Three simple answers Yes/No would help me a lot. If you write a short 
> paragraph about your opinion, I will very appreciate it. 
> Thank you 
> Cheers, 
>    Tom 

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