Hi Cal (and all others),

>From what I can tell, you want to run a copy of the database on 
> multiple mini devices and have replication between them? 

I think I've actually made myself not perfectly clear. My plan would be to 
have a local portable django server for letting all the tablets in a LAN 
(the only clients existing for it) access this local central information 
repository even when an outside internet connection is not available and 
let this portable server sync to the central remote storage whenever it can 
reach it. At the same time someone from the outside might edit the very 
same models directly in the remote repository. An automatic mechanism would 
be in place to compute deltas and merge changes from both: once over, both 
DBs would have the same data inside.

> If so, this 
> isn't really a good use case for replication, and adds several 
> unnecessary layers of complexity.

Even though starting from preconditions not totally matching with the real 
use case, this conclusion equally holds true ;-)

> So lets look at the end goal, you 
> want multiple clients to have read/write access to the same data, with 
> the constraint that the internet connection will be unreliable, but 
> you still want the data to be accessible, and possibly, editable. 


> This can be easily achieved by implementing good development 
> practises,


simple and clean 
> implementation of such a structure. 

I'm not sure I see the connection here. Native mobile apps and/or html5 
clients can leverage local storage strategies to be properly synchronized 
as soon as the connection is available. This would totally make sense in a 
context in which each CUD (not considering read here, since it's not much 
of a problem) operation is related to "personal non-shared" data only. The 
problem, here, is that more than one client will almost always perform some 
modifications to the same models, so your next point is not an exception, 
it's the rule.

> To achieve this, you also have to consider conflict handling, for 
> [...] 

quite simple, at least once you get past all the academic stuff, the 
> hard part is exposing it to the user in a friendly way. 

And this is exactly the problem I'm trying to face here. My original 
purpose was to understand whether there's any out-of-the-box solution 
managing a "dual-master" synchronization in django.
I found this [1], but besides requiring a patch to the Postgres 9.4 code 
base, is not yet considered production-ready.

> You can get around many of these problems by disabling edits unless 
> there is an internet connection, allowing only read access in the 
> event of a connection drop out, then using model caching on the client 
> side (along with a bulk retrieve request).

By using a local django repository (local meaning  within the local 
wireless network among the tablets) I would get totally rid of the 
synchronization and notifications problems among all the native and/or 
html5 clients, moving the synchronization problem between the two databases 
only (the local and the remote one). Whether this would be an actual 
improvement or not, I'd have some more experienced user to decide.

> However both approaches 
> come with the same problem of delta changes, if a model changes then 
> each app will need to be notified about this, ideally via a push 
> mechanism. 

I am not an expert in this field and I'm afraid it would require a lot of 
time to design a proper merging mechanism.

> Designing an events system around this can be quite 
> challenging, for even the most seasoned developers. 

I get that.

> If you have enough time/resources then it could be a fantastic 
> learning experience for you, but if this is a quick/dirty project 
> primarily lead by billable hours, then you probably don't want to 
> follow this route. If someone sent me a spec like this, I'd say it 
> would *easily* be 300+ hours work. 

I'd like a quick and clean solution here ;-), since I have not enough time 
to follow all the required learning curve but I will be required to 
maintain and improve this project, so I'd rather pick a scalable solution 
from the beginning.

> Hope this helps, if I have misunderstood, let me know. 

It helps a lot, thanks for your time!

[1] https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/BDR_User_Guide

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