On 23/02/2015 5:23 PM, Frankline wrote:
Hi all,

I am getting confused regarding the use of constants and would be keen to
know how the rest of you handle constants in your models. Ofcourse I could
handle it easily similar to how it has been handled here:

I have many many constants which are used across a number of modules and apps.

I store them in the __init__.py file of the namespace in which they are used. Sensible naming of constants is vital of course and I'm careful to store them alphabetically so I can find them easily enough scrolling quickly through the file.

At the top of my modules I say ...

from <namespace> import CONST1, CONST2 etc

Works for me


But I wanted to put the constants in a separate class on their own. This is
what I hav so far:


class TaskStatus(models.Model):

     CANCELLED = 0
     COMPLETE = 3

         (CANCELLED, 'Cancelled'),
         (REQUIRES_ATTENTION, 'Requires attention'),
         (WORK_IN_PROGRESS, 'Work in progress'),
         (COMPLETE, 'Complete'),

     status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_TYPES,
     class Task(models.Model):
     status = models.ManyToManyField(TaskStatus,

In my case, a Task can have one or more TaskStatus. I do not wish to store
the TaskStatus in the database since they are simply constants.

Does anyone have a better way of how I can approach this?

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