I solved it! Sorry, at last I had a bad called to jquery library in my 
base.html. I had to check all my project
Thank you for your answers, you have helped me a lot!

El viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015, 21:01:46 (UTC+1), elcaiaimar escribió:
> Please, have a look at this tutorial: 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxn5L1qJTAw
> Sorry, It's in spanish, but it's what I'm doing. I've tried to put the 
> same code but it doesn't work because he uses an older version of django.
> If you don't want to see all the video, you can see the minute 12:16.
> He clicks on the remove button and then, an alert appears!
> My django version is 1.7
> I hope this helps!
> And Thank you for your answers!
> El jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015, 20:14:32 (UTC+1), elcaiaimar escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I was wondering how I can send a response JSON in a good way, because I 
>> have the next code:
>> if "product_id" in request.POST:
>>             try:
>>                 id_producto = request.POST['product_id']
>>                 p = Pozo.objects.get(pk=id_producto)
>>                 mensaje = {"status":"True","product_id":p.id}
>>                 p.delete() # Elinamos objeto de la base de datos
>>                 return JsonResponse(mensaje)
>>             except:
>>                 mensaje = {"status":"False"}
>>                 return JsonResponse(mensaje)
>> And my JS function doesn't work with this code:
>>    var options = {
>>         success:function(response)
>>         {
>>             if(response.status=="True"){
>>                 alert("Eliminado!");
>>                 var idProd = response.product_id;
>>                 var elementos= $(nombre_tabla+' >tbody >tr').length;
>>                 if(elementos==1){
>>                     location.reload();
>>                 }else{
>>                     $('#tr'+idProd).remove();
>>                     $(nombre_ventana_modal).modal('hide');
>>                 }
>>             }else{
>>                 alert("Hubo un error al eliminar!");
>>                 $(nombre_ventana_modal).modal('hide');
>>             };
>>         }
>>     };
>>     $(nombre_formulario_modal).ajaxForm(options);
>> });
>> And I don't know what I can do. Does anyone have any idea?

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