Hi Abraham,

On 02/19/2015 03:41 AM, Abraham Varricatt wrote:
> I've heard of the term 'atomic operations' , but didn't realize it had
> support in django. Thank you for the detailed explanation!
You're welcome.

> It's an interesting idea - to mark the field in the database as a
> positive integer, but since it doesn't apply to all DBs, I think I'll
> keep it aside for now. 

This is a bit of a tangent, but when you get to the point of worrying
about things like race conditions and transactional behavior, your life
will be easier if you simply choose a database for your project and
don't worry about making everything cross-database portable.

And, frankly, if you're concerned about data integrity, your life will
be easier if the database server you choose is PostgreSQL.

Your ability to use Django effectively is much greater if you know your
specific database well, and aren't afraid to use database-specific
features and write some raw SQL now and then. Limiting yourself to
cross-database-portable ORM features is a significant handicap, one
which I think only separately-distributed reusable apps should take on.

In your particular case, without a database-level check constraint on
the quantity field, it becomes much trickier to ensure that quantity
can't go negative.

> @Waitman,
> Don't think I've ever come across the term 'backorder', but its an
> interesting concept. And very appreciated, from the business angle. I
> need to think more on this.

Yes - I should have said more clearly that my answer was intended as a
primer on basic atomicity and locking concepts, not a treatise on
shopping cart user experience. It's quite likely that for a production
shopping cart you'd want significantly more sophisticated behavior than
I covered.


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