How do I integrate the per-object-permissions trunk to my regular django trunk which powers the web site.

I checked the per-object-permissions trunk it works properly at least as far as my simple cms apps are concerned.


On 10/20/06, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since I saw my name (incorrectly spelled) show up in this thread, I'll
throw my 2 cents in (That's CDN, now almost worth 2 cents US!)

I'm using Chris Long's branch on a production site right now. It's
nothing major, a volunteer organization with minimal needs, but for my
limited uses, it is working. I have to warn though, ALL of my uses for
it are at the Admin level. The *entire* site is generic views. I only
use the RLP branch to make sure that people with Admin accounts can't
edit other peoples' articles, unless I've given them permission to do
so. And for that, it's working great.

As has been stated in this thread a few times, Chris Long has been
quite good about bug fixes. Not only that, he's been really good about
merging trunk changes into the branch.

That said, it'd be nice to see the branch actually put into the trunk,
but that won't happen without more people playing around with it. And
like me, I know a lot of people are short on time these days. I would
worry that Chris might lose interest if there's no movement (as anyone
in his position might do.

Jay P.

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