Basiacally, what you want to do is change the request subdomain based on 
the user that logs on to the app. 

Ex: the url that hosts the login form (or whatever it is) is like 
"";. After the user correctly logs in, every request 
will be made to de url "http://<username>".

Is that correct?

Em quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2015 11:19:19 UTC-2, Vijay Khemlani 
> I'm not following, in the Django settings there is no "HOST" entry (other 
> than the one used to connect to the database)
> If you're talking about "ALLOWED_HOSTS", then that one is only a whitelist 
> of allowed domains.
> Try and describe your problem with more detail, What error are you 
> getting? What problem with JQuery are you having?
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Abraham Varricatt <
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Ok, I think I goofed up asking the question here. I noticed that there 
>> was a HOST setting defined in the django documentation and assumed it was 
>> the same thing, but some more code investigation, reveals otherwise. 
>> But I *am* running into a tangential issue. I mentioned that if I set the 
>> value of that the site works for alice? Well, I 
>> did a bit of middleware tweaking so that the value of settings.HOST would 
>> get changed depending on the user, but that doesn't seem to have helped. :(
>> -Abraham V.
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