Thank you for the explanation. So I suppose a better way to do it whould be 
to provide initialize the choices in the DomainForm __init__?

Le mardi 27 janvier 2015 21:58:56 UTC+1, Collin Anderson a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just tried out your project. Looking at the stacktrace, the test module 
> is importing forms (before the test starts). The forms module is running a 
> query on startup for choices.
> Don't do queries on startup. :)
> Collin
> On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:07:54 AM UTC-5, Merouane Atig wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a strange issue with a forms test and I would like to know if I'm 
>> doing something wrong or if it is a Django bug.
>> I created a repo to reproduce the issue I have: 
>> I have a DomainForm class with a choice field populated from a table in 
>> the database. I'm trying to test it using the Django testing tools, but I 
>> get the error "django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: 
>> myapp_topleveldomain" (see the README in the Github repo for the full stack 
>> trace).
>> If I first create my development database and migrate it, then I do not 
>> have any error. I expected that the test would run on the test database but 
>> it is not the case.
>> My test environment should work properly as I also created a model test 
>> which runs correctly on the test database and do not need the development 
>> database.
>> Can you tell me what would be the proper way to write this test so that 
>> it runs on the test database? Is it a bug with the Django testing tools or 
>> am I doing something wrong when populating my ChoiceField?
>> I'm using Django 1.7.3 and Python 3.4.0
>> Thanks for your help

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