
This is not about where to use ugettext/ugettext_lazy.  I know
that.  :-)

But I was fed up with all those "_ = ugettext" scattered in my code
and tried to find a more systematic approach.  The following test
program runs through:

    ugettext = lambda x: x
    ugettext_lazy = lambda x: x

    _ = ugettext_lazy

    def function():
        assert _ == ugettext

    class A(object):
        assert _ == ugettext_lazy

        def method(self):
            assert _ == ugettext

        assert _ == ugettext_lazy

    assert _ == ugettext_lazy

    def function_b():
        assert _ == ugettext

    _ = ugettext

    a = A()

Do you think this is a good idea?  Simply setting _ to
ugetttext_lazy at the beginning of a module and to ugettext at the
end (and dealing with the very few remaining exceptions)?  How do
you do that?


Torsten Bronger    Jabber ID: torsten.bron...@jabber.rwth-aachen.de
                                  or http://bronger-jmp.appspot.com

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