In my Signup form the user has to chose his languages and afterwards his 
proficiency in that language. 
So based on the selection from forms.ChoiceField it should display one of 
two other ChoiceFields.

Language = English
-> Display English Proficiency below 

Language = German
-> Display German Proficiency below 

Currently both Proficiency fields are always shown. I did some searching on 
how to accomplish this and I came up with buzzwords like AJAX (using dajax) 
or Crispyforms (3rd Party App) but it shold be possible to use simple 
javascript as well. 
I don't want to include another 3rd party app if possible since I use this 
for my signup form which is from django-allauth. The Signup form is 
inheriting from forms.Form currently: class SignupForm(forms.Form):

I don't know what will happen to django-allauth if I change this to 
something else. In the template it just calls {{ form.as_p }} so I have no 
idea on how to set custom classes / id's on those form fields. I didn't 
find anything about this in Django Documentation here:

Can anyone please tell me what the best solution would be? If I have to 
include some 3rd party app is it likely to break django-allauth for the 
Signup form?

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