Hi All, I am new to Django and am enjoying it very much. Excellent documentation, tutorials, and general environment to work in. Good job Django developers!
I have a question on binding data to a ModelFormset. I have looked extensively and not seen this particular issue covered before. I have a ModelFormset that I send to a template for custom rendering so I can present the fields in a controlled tabular format. The ultimate goal is to use CSS to create a red bounding box around any fields with validation errors and to set the "title" attribute of those input fields so that the user can see what errors were generated by hovering over the red bounded field. This presents a nice clean interface when there are errors. It all works great, with one annoyance if the model data starts out with values that will generate validation errors (i.e. missing required data). I initially call the view with a GET, which creates the forms and populates the form fields. Since the data is not bound to forms at this point, I can't validate and set the errors. In order to validate the fields and set the table error borders, I have to submit the form using POST to bind the data, validate the form and generate the errors which ultimately set an error_class for styling the table. This means that I have to "save" the from from my form page to get the table style I want. What I really want is to instantiate a ModelFormset, setting the instance, but then to bind the data present in the instance and set errors by sending is_valid() to the formset before rendering (i.e. on initial page rendering with the GET, so no POST data). It seemed to me that there should simply be a bind_instance() function for all ModelFormsets that contain an instance. I looked and didn't find that. Eventually, I just decided to bind the data myself manually using the following helper function: # helper functions def bind_formset(formset): bindData={} # add management form data bindData[formset.get_default_prefix()+"-TOTAL_FORMS"]=str(formset. management_form['TOTAL_FORMS'].value()) bindData[formset.get_default_prefix()+"-INITIAL_FORMS"]=str(formset. management_form['INITIAL_FORMS'].value()) bindData[formset.get_default_prefix()+"-MIN_NUM_FORMS"]=str(formset. management_form['MIN_NUM_FORMS'].value()) bindData[formset.get_default_prefix()+"-MAX_NUM_FORMS"]=str(formset. management_form['MAX_NUM_FORMS'].value()) for form in formset: if form.instance: for fieldName,fieldValue in form.fields.iteritems(): try: bindData[form.add_prefix(fieldName)]=getattr(form. instance,fieldName) except: # this is an added field, not derived from the model pass newFormset=formset.__class__(bindData,instance=formset.instance, queryset=formset.queryset, error_class= formset.error_class) return newFormset This works! My question... Is this a reasonable approach? Or did I just miss the obvious way of doing this? Thanks for any help! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com. Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/django-users. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-users/ad0edd7f-b8ea-42c1-9d2f-4ef836bba703%40googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.