According to the official documentation I'm still unsure if I need to type 
anything in my at all. 
As far as I understand this, I just need to subclass ContactForm somehow:

class ContactForm(forms.Form): """ The base contact form class from which all 
contact form classes should inherit. If you don't need any custom 
functionality, you can simply use this form to provide basic contact 
functionality; it will collect name, email address and message. The 
``ContactForm`` view included in this application knows how to work with this 
form and can handle many types of subclasses as well (see below for a 
discussion of the important points), so in many cases it will be all that you 
need. If you'd like to use this form or a subclass of it from one of your own 
views, just do the following: 1. When you instantiate the form, pass the 
current ``HttpRequest`` object to the constructor as the keyword argument 
``request``; this is used internally by the base implementation, and also made 
available so that subclasses can add functionality which relies on inspecting 
the request. 2. To send the message, call the form's ``save`` method, which 
accepts the keyword argument ``fail_silently`` and defaults it to ``False``. 
This argument is passed directly to ``send_mail``, and allows you to suppress 
or raise exceptions as needed for debugging. The ``save`` method has no return 
value. Other than that, treat it like any other form; validity checks and 
validated data are handled normally, through the ``is_valid`` method and the 
``cleaned_data`` dictionary.

taken from here:

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