On Monday, 19 January 2015 07:28:14 UTC, Cheng Guo wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Django and I have run into an issue with views.py.  I 
> understand that there is a function behind each view. For a view that I am 
> currently writing, it accepts a file upload from user and stores the file 
> on the server. To do that, I need to:
> 1. check the file extension is correct
> 2. generate a SHA-1 id for the file based on its content
> 3. write the file to disk
> 4. save information about the file to database
> (oh, I also created two global variables as well)
Others have pointed out ways to split this up, but I wanted to pick up on 
the last sentence. You really really should not be setting global variables 
in your view, especially in response to user input. Global variables are 
shared by all requests in a process, and you can't guarantee either that 
all requests will be from the same user, or even that the same user will 
hit the same process in subsequent requests. Don't do this: if you need to 
store state between requests, use the db or the session.

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