Em sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015 20:10:37 UTC-3, Tim Graham escreveu:
> We've made the first release on the way to Django's next long-term support 
> release, Django 1.8! With only two and a half months until the scheduled 
> final release, we'll need prompt testing from the community to ensure a 
> timely and stable release. Check out the blog post:
> https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2015/jan/16/django-18-alpha-1-released/

Wow, many new things. Very good.

I have not seen in the release-notes that the inspectdb now supports 
inspect "database views" to the backends where it is supported.

This change was made in this commit:


See the "get_table_list" function in introspection.py file, in each 
database backend

I look forward a day, that Django has support for inspecting "multiple 
database schemas" and work properly with an official api to do this.


I was trying to figure out ways to solve this old problem of django.
Also i know that adding support for multiple database schemas is not 
something trivial for Django, because if it was, I'm sure that would be 
already been implemented.


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