I should also mention that I have some AJAX calls for the same information
and they still work fine.  So I am quite certain it is in the Admin
templates or the Admin properties definitions.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Timothy W. Cook <t...@mlhim.org> wrote:

> Is this a bug or did I miss something in the release notes?
> ​Moving from 1.6.4 to 1.7.3  the listing in the Admin UI is not resolving
> a related field now.  There are not any model changes involved.
> Attached are two screen shots named for the versions.
> I haven't changed the admin code either.  For the screen shots the admin
> code is:
> ​class DvBooleanAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     list_filter = ['prj_name__rm_version__version_id','prj_name',]
>     search_fields = ['data_name','ct_id']
>     ordering = ['prj_name','data_name']
>     actions = [make_published, unpublish, copy_dt, republish]
>     readonly_fields =
> ['published','schema_code','r_code','xqr_code','xqw_code',]
>     def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
>         try:
>             if obj.published:
>                 self.readonly_fields =
> ['prj_name','published','lang','schema_code','data_name','valid_trues','valid_falses','description','sem_attr','resource_uri','asserts','xqr_code','xqw_code',]
>         except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e:
>             self.readonly_fields =
> ['published','schema_code','r_code','xqr_code','xqw_code',]
>         return super(DvBooleanAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)
>     fieldsets = (
>         (None, {'classes':('wide',),
> 'fields':('published','prj_name','data_name','lang','valid_trues','valid_falses')}),
>         ("Additional Information ", {'classes':('wide',),
>  'fields':('description','sem_attr','resource_uri','asserts',)}),
>         ("PCT Code (read-only)", {'classes':('collapse',),
>  'fields':('schema_code','r_code','xqr_code','xqw_code',)}),
>     )
>     list_display = ('data_name','prj_name','published',)
> admin.site.register(DvBoolean, DvBooleanAdmin)
> ​In the model for the displayed admin:
> ​    prj_name = models.ForeignKey(Project, verbose_name=_("Project Name"),
> to_field="prj_name", help_text=_('Choose the name of your Project.'))
> ​and the related field in Project is:
>     prj_name = models.CharField(_("project name"), max_length=110,
> unique=True, db_index=True, help_text=_('Enter the name of your project.'))
> ...
>     def __unicode__(self):
>             return self.prj_name
> ​
> ​Any ideas?​
> Should I file a bug report?
> ​Thanks,
> Tim
> ​
> ============================================
> Timothy Cook
> LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothywaynecook
> MLHIM http://www.mlhim.org


Timothy Cook
LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothywaynecook
MLHIM http://www.mlhim.org

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