I'm building a multi-tenant application with a data model that simplifies 

class Tenant(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Widget(models.Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey(Tenant)
    sequence_id = <question here>

I want Widget.sequence_id to work like an AutoField (that is, automatically 
give me something unique and generally incrementing by 1) but scoped to a 
single Widget.owner. So for instance, when Tenant A creates 3 widgets, they 
would get sequence_ids 1, 2, and 3. Then Tenant B comes along and creates 2 
widgets; those widgets get sequence_ids 1 and 2. The tenant/user gets no 
control over the number, but it's something she'll see in the UI. 
AutoNumber is out because from the perspective of a single tenant, they 
should have sequential widget IDs. GUIDs/UUIDs are out because it needs to 
be human-readable.

I looked through docs on AutoField and unique_together. I turned 
StackOverflow upside down and only found this 
which isn't quite what I want. I didn't see anything on djangopackages.com 
that would solve my problem, though I could have missed it.

Basically, has anyone done something like this before and have a suggested 


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