
I mis-read. Sorry. You're looking for a text field above the right box so 
you can more easily search for items in that box. I have not seen that done 
before. If nothing else you could try setting it up as an Inline and 


On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 2:04:29 PM UTC-5, ebuild wrote:
> This doesn't answer the question.
> On Thursday, January 8, 2015 6:50:22 PM UTC+1, Collin Anderson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It's a bit hacky, but I've used filter_horizontal outside of the admin 
>> before.
>> from django.contrib.admin import widgets
>> class MyForm(forms.Form):
>>     users = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
>>         required=False,
>>         widget=widgets.FilteredSelectMultiple(verbose_name='Field Name', 
>> is_stacked=False),
>>         queryset=choices_qs,
>>         initial=initial_qs,
>>     )
>> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/admin/css/widgets.css">
>> <script>function addEvent(obj, evType, fn){obj.addEventListener(evType, 
>> fn, false)}</script>
>> <div>{{ form }}</div>
>> <script src="
>> https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js";
>> ></script>
>> <script>django = {jQuery: $}</script>
>> <script src="/admin/jsi18n/"></script>
>> {{ form.media }}
>> Collin
>> On Monday, January 5, 2015 at 12:39:39 AM UTC-5, ebuild wrote:
>>> I'm wondering if there is a standard way to add a javascript-based 
>>> filter on the right box like the one in the  left
>>> when having manytomany relation with filter_horizontal.

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