Hello All,
I'm rather new to django and also web and database stuff and so I
might not use the correct term.
i need to write an application which is a log book for experiments.
The purpose is to store information about various experiments on
different experiment to keep a trace and compute some statistics on the
I have started writing one app and creating a model for each
experiments but it is rather a lengthy process and I was wondering if it
would be possible to
1) offer a form generator for the experiments and store the contents in
a table defined by a model. It can also be created programmatically (in
starting python manage.py shell for exemple)
I was thinking using formset to define this form (using
<https://github.com/vladignatyev/django-dynamic-formset>*)and it will be
like a recipe thing ( I only need a few items textinput, textarea, date
and predefined lists)
2) use this form to fill a database of data. (the key idea here is that
the model for the data will just contain an uid (which will be created
when the form is submitted) and a datatype and a value)) the many
information of the forms will be stored as many rows in the database
table and will be connected by the uid created when the form is
submitted. It might not be clear but I got this idea from the
bureaucracy plugin in dokuwiki.
Since this looks rather advanced for my skill I was wondering if
1) there is no other approach (like creating a model on the fly, that is
not writing in models.py. But it looks against the way django works) and
any idea is welcomed.
2) Also keeping all the experiments data in only one table and getting
all the information for one experiment by finding all the row with the
same uid looks a little bit a time consuming process but for now we used
the bureaucracy plugin for the last six month and it doesn't look like
it is slowing down too much the response of the wiki so it might not be
so inefficient after all. Maybe it will scale badly. Here again any
advice is welcomed.
3) The data to create the form is stored in a table (as a say, like a
recipe) and so will it be better to create the form in the views.py or
in the template (in that case in the view I gather the field definitions
and then in templates loops through the table and create the widget at
that time).
Thank for reading up to this point and if you have any suggestion or
pointers related to this I'll be glad to get them (I mean even if you
don't answer directly my questions I'm interested of new ideas).
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