Hi Joris,
some of the best arguments for python + django, 
you could find here - :

One language in particular has both a long history at eBay and PayPal and a 
growing mindshare among developers: *Python <https://www.python.org/>*.


Am Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014 11:44:20 UTC+1 schrieb Joris Benschop:
> Thank you both for these answers. Personally Im already convinced of 
> Django, but the trick is to convince others. The strong benefit of java is 
> that it is really easy to hire senior java developers on a consultancy 
> basis. For django it is not so simple, especially when the requirement is 
> to have these devs on-site (.nl / .be area).
> Op 30 dec. 2014 om 11:36 heeft Ariel Calzada <ariel....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> het volgende geschreven:
> DJANGO + Tastypie is your TEAM for REST Services, forget Java :)
> 2014-12-30 5:34 GMT-05:00 Guilherme Leal <leal...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
> :
>> Given your scenario, we can say that with django, you wouldn't have to 
>> worry about creating REST services. You would create only one service, and 
>> let django manage the backend switch (with db routers). If you build your 
>> service well, you would have an abstract REST view/url generator (tastypie 
>> for instance), and with a little bit of effort (REALLY little), you could 
>> serialize the resource structure (metadata) on the request, and let ExtJS 
>> read that structure to build your frontend. Of course, this aproach 
>> requires a little bit of cache (to save some time on the read 
>> structure/build html for ExtJS). With that, you would have to write 
>> basically only the models (and of course, any exceptional case that might 
>> occur). And if you use django 1.7+, you can LITTERALLY forget about db 
>> admin, since django handles the migrations as well.
>> I've done basically the same thing with Django REST Framework and 
>> AngularJS for the frontend. Works like a charm, and with the business logic 
>> on the signals, reduces the dev time by 90%. And worls like a charm.
>> Em Tue Dec 30 2014 at 06:47:19, Joris Benschop <joris.b...@gmail.com 
>> <javascript:>> escreveu:
>>  Thank you, this is already very helpful.
>>> Currently company policy is to create REST services in java for each 
>>> backend and use ExtJS to query and visualize the results. With DJango I'm 
>>> trying to combine these into one, whilst staying compatible by using 
>>> tastypie as a REST service (so ExtJS can connect to that).
>>> joris
>>> On 29-12-14 16:51, Guilherme Leal wrote:
>>> Sincerely, I can't see the ExtJS's Models as true models on an MVC (or 
>>> MVT for instance) context, since the only real uses I've seen of them is to 
>>> bind form controls to any "model like" (basically anything) structure. 
>>> Therefore, the best comparsion for the ExtJS would be AngularJS (this is my 
>>> point of view, I might be wrong on this one).
>>>  But if you REALLY want to compare them, I would say that the biggest 
>>> point that django excels ExtJS, is that ExtJS doesn't have any meaningfull 
>>> way to introspect your DB to build the models dynamically, and with django 
>>> you can. As an exemple, with django, you can build an app that read your DB 
>>> metadata and build everithing from there (basicaly models; the views and 
>>> templates you can build in a way that they can read everything on a given 
>>> standard).
>>>  If you provide more specific info about the project, maybe we can come 
>>> with some more concrete comparsions.
>>> Em Mon Dec 29 2014 at 12:56:05, Joris Benschop <joris.b...@gmail.com 
>>> <javascript:>> escreveu:
>>>  Hi List,
>>>>  I;m a data maangement specialist in a rather large multinational. I'm 
>>>> trying to push Django as a fast development framework for front-end 
>>>> applications of our databases. Currently the company is focusing on Sencha 
>>>> ExtJS and java solutions. Can you help me with pointers why Django is 
>>>> better? The free-as-in-beer argument is not very convincing by itself. 
>>>>  Thanks
>>>> Joris
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