I'm not sure, but since no one else has answered yet...
Maybe you can't pass an object as a keyword argument to include,
can only pass strings? I've done it often with strings, but never
with an object. Try:
{% include "sidebar.html" title=object.title %}
and in the included file, use simply:
It seems odd that there'd be a restriction like this since I'm sure
you can pass objects to templates from views, but it's worth
trying. May be a good workaround, or may get you a different
error message that tips you off to what the real problem is.
Fred Stluka -- --
Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!
Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates.
On 12/16/14 2:27 PM, Andrew Nguyen wrote:
I'm having some problems getting some of my content to appear on my
detailed page view, which I have in two separate html files that are
being pulled in using |{% include %}|. Inside my two files,
|slider.html|and |sidebar.html|, I'm using tags like
|{{article.title}}| to grab specific information I need about an article.
- Changing syntax in the two included files to |{{object.title}}| did
not work.
- I've tried doing|{% include "sidebar.html" article=object %}|in
my|detailed.html|and it did not work. Instead, I would get an
error|TemplateSyntaxError at /gone-home Unknown argument for
u'include' tag: u'article=object'.|
- Also tried doing `{% include "sidebar.html" with article=object %}
did not work either.
|<!-- This grabs the sidebar snippet-->
{% include"sidebar.html" %}
<divclass="mainContent clearfix">
<pclass="date">{{object.pubDate|date:"l, F j, Y" }}</p> |
<img src="{{object.heroImage}}" alt="" class="largeImage">
<img src="{{object.relatedImage}}" alt="" class="relatedImage">
</div><!-- /.contentBlock-->
<!-- This grabs the slider snippet-->
{% include"slider.html" %}
</div><!-- /.mainContent-->|
<divclass="group visible">
<a href="{%url"detailed" slug=article.slug %}"><img src="{{article.relatedImage}}"
alt="" class="sliderPicture"></a>
<a href="{%url"detailed" slug=article.slug
</div><!-- /.sliderItem-->
</div><!-- /.group-->
</div><!-- /.slider-->|
{% for articlein object_list|slice:":5" %}
</div><!-- /.overlay-->
<a href="{%url"detailed" slug=article.slug %}"><img src="{{article.relatedImage}}"
alt="" class="navPicture"></a>
<a href="{%url"detailed" slug=article.slug
</div><!-- /.navItem-->
{% endfor%}
</div><!-- /.navContent-->|
|from django.dbimport models
from django.core.urlresolversimport reverse
# Create your models here.
class FullArticleQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def published(self):
return self.filter(publish=True)
class FullArticle(models.Model):
title= models.CharField(max_length=150)
author= models.CharField(max_length=150)
slug= models.SlugField(max_length=200, unique=True)
pubDate= models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
updated= models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
category= models.CharField(max_length=150)
# gameRank = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0)
heroImage= models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True)
relatedImage= models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True)
body= models.TextField()
publish= models.BooleanField(default=True)
objects= FullArticleQuerySet.as_manager()
def __str__(self):
return self.title
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse("FullArticle_detailed", kwargs={"slug": self.slug})
def random(self):
class Meta:
verbose_name= "Blog entry"
verbose_name_plural= "Blog Entries"
ordering= ["-pubDate"]|
|from django.viewsimport generic
from . import models
# Create your views here.
class BlogIndex(generic.ListView):
queryset= models.FullArticle.objects.published()
template_name= "list.html"
# paginate_by = 2
class BlogDetail(generic.DetailView):
model= models.FullArticle
template_name= "detailed.html"|
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