Personally I really like it.

The footer menu contrast is a little bright with the white/light green,
however it's worth noting that the color/contrast experience will vary
depending on what equipment your using. Typically if a site has been
designed on an Apple Thunderbolt/MBP Retina display, then it will look a
bit crappy on many PC monitors (even the higher quality ones). I used to
complain about site designs all the time when I was on a PC, since
switching to an MBP most of these problems disappeared. The same goes for
font weight, and indeed font rendering, typically OS X renders fonts much
cleaner than Windows. (This is on the assumption that you are using a PC).

Three spots (the design agency) look like they are using Macs in their
office according to their office photos, so this might help explain why.

However there are a few bugs;

* code.djangoproject has some indenting issues on header tags (e.g. getting
involved), and the shaded underline is weird, you can see this white
background box around it then some grey fading... very strange.

* code.djangoproject ticket list table is "bleeding" over the right hand

* code.djangoproject query form is not properly designed, small font with
oddly placed form elements and incorrect use of spacing;

Gotta head to bed so I'll cut this short, hope this helps though.


On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 6:55 AM, Schmitt, Christian <
>> wrote:
>> Somehow I hate it. The website is the worst website I've seen since a
>> long time.
>> The contrast is really aweful.
>> The issue Tracker got unusable due to the colors that aren't focused on
>> readability.
>> Overall it looks like a mess, just to have a new design.
>> Doesn't look like a designer or a graphic guy had his hands on that.
>> I can't realized why some should replace a good and usable design which
>> had some practical usage and also a good readability with the "thing" we
>> have now.
>> Sorry but I will stick to the old docs as for now or use the PDF ones
>> with my custom style (since your colors are aweful, too).
>> Django should focus on a clear design which is helpful for readability
>> and not this stupid mess.
> Thanks for the feedback. Sorry you don't like what we've rolled out.
> I can assure you that we *did* engage a "designer or graphic guy" in this
> process - several in fact - and they all have significant experience in
> designing "usable designs" with "practical usage". The blog post announcing
> the launch has the details.
> The old design was a classic, but you can't say it didn't have problems -
> from a technical perspective, it was almost unusable on mobile devices;
> from a functional perspective, it didn't provide a way for us as a project
> to highlight community efforts, or draw attention to the DSF or provide
> calls to action for people who aren't discovering Django for the first time.
> If you've got specific feedback - something we can actually fix or
> address, not "I don't like it" - please open a ticket. We've already had
> some comments raised about contrast, which the team is looking into. If
> there's something else we should know about, let us know and we can address
> it.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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